Discovery Dive World App
Download the app and receive exclusive VIP discounts!

Of all the no-brainers in the world... this is definitely one of them!
Every week we push out a new special on dive gear to our app users. Not just run-of-the-mil discounts... these are BIG savings and they change every week. No strings attached! It's just our way to say Thank You to YOU, our loyal customers.
How it works:
Download the app to your iPhone or Android. Simply search "Discovery Dive World" on iTunes or in your Android Playstore.
Open your app and our latest whopper discount displays as a welcome page. Note: the details of the sale are only available once. As soon as you leave the page, it disappears. We wish it stayed longer, but that's just the way it works :-(
Shop and Save! Just show us that you have the app on your phone, and you'll get the killer discount at the register.